I enjoy the creative side behind the photographs, so I am looking forward to making the model into the different identities in the photographs.
Similar to Thomas Ruff's photographs, mine are going to be head portraits, similar to passport pictures & the images below by Thomas Ruff, however in each image I will be using the same model. This is obvious as I am going to be changing the identity of the model, therefore I have to use the same model otherwise there is no point to my photo shoot!!!!
I will be asking my model to just pull a normal face in the photographs, like when you have your passport picture taken.
I will be taking my photographs in the studio and I want the background to be solid white, with no shadow. Having a white background will give the viewer nothing else to focus on apart from the model & that chosen identity within the frame.
I always use Cindy Sherman in my research, she is a very big influence in my work when I am researching and coming up with ideas. Even though this work is nothing like the work that Cindy Sherman produces I feel there is some link. Cindy Sherman changes her own identity into different characters and photographs herself. I am changing someone elses identity and photographing them. I am not using anything to change the models face - only makeup and also with the use of clothes. I want to express that using different makeup and different clothes how an identity can change.
Like Cindy Sherman, the only photograph that I have put myself in over the three years was to do with fear, my fear of the dentist. Even though I really like Cindy Sherman's work, and Nikki S Lee I don't feel the need to put myself in the photographs, however I do enjoying changing someone elses identity to connect to my love of their work.